Pet Legacy Program

Peace of Mind for the Future

Possum was left at PAWS Atlanta’s gate after his longtime owner passed away. He was eight-years-old at the time, had a thyroid condition that affected his hair growth, and was missing many of his teeth causing his tongue to permanently (and adorably) stick out. Possum was incredibly sweet and he quickly wiggled his tiny 12-pound body into our hearts. We soothed his skin issues and gave him the food, shelter, and care he needed to prepare him for his second chance. After four months at PAWS Atlanta, he met a wonderful lady who thought he was just as charming as we did and made him a permanent addition to her family. He’s been loved and happy ever since.
Since 1966, PAWS Atlanta has taken in countless homeless cats and dogs like Possum who had nowhere else to go after their owners passed away. Many people don’t have a trusted and willing friend or relative to appoint as a guardian for their pet. 
That’s why we created the PAWS Pet Legacy Program: to provide peace of mind about the future and ensure that your pet(s) will be lovingly cared for if they outlive you. Through enrollment, PAWS Atlanta will provide your pet(s) with exceptional veterinary care and attention while we work to place them in a loving new home. 

How to Enroll in the PAWS Pet Legacy Program:

  • Complete the enrollment forms (above) for each pet and send them to Crystal Bowman. This information will help PAWS Atlanta provide your pet with the best possible home.
  • Keep a copy with your will or trust. You may update these forms at any time, and enroll additional cats and dogs (up to a total of five at a time) in the future.
  • Designate a friend, relative, or the executor of your estate to act as an interim caretaker who can bring your pet to PAWS Atlanta.
  • Provide a one-time gift of $2,500 per pet to PAWS Atlanta upon enrolling your pet OR name PAWS Atlanta as a beneficiary in your will or trust for a minimum of $2,500.  
  • Provide an annual gift of $500 per pet. This is a meaningful gift each year and supports our ability to provide food, medical care, and shelter for future program participants. Donations are given for the ongoing operational expenses of PAWS Atlanta and are not directed specifically to your pet(s).
For more information about the Pet Legacy Program, contact Executive Director, Crystal Bowman.

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