Puppy Therapy

Couldn't appreciate my company enough for organizing this awesome event for a cause.
- Cox Automotive

Do you want your employees to say cool stuff like this about YOUR company? Schedule a PAWS Atlanta Puppy Therapy session to reduce stress at work and bring teams together. The good vibes and camaraderie will last WAY more than 60 minutes, we promise.

  • PAWS Atlanta staff and volunteers will bring up to 5 puppies/friendly dogs to a location of your choice.
  • Monday – Friday for a 60 minute session from 10AM – 4PM (Date, time, and location must be mutually agreed upon.)
  • $1,500 donation fee required
  • All summer events must be indoors or in a shaded area with fans and water access.
To schedule a session or learn more, reach out to Sam Long, Volunteer and Database Coordinator at slong@pawsatlanta.org. You must reach out at least two weeks in advance to secure your session.

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